[Note: this post comprises Facebook status updates that date from all the way back to last summer up until the present day. Some are borrowed lyrics from favorite songs, others are loans from books; however, for the most part I can take credit. I like to think of them as potential titles or cornerstones for future document projects; obviously all of them are susceptible of further analysis. None the less, I'm pleased to present you with the everyday contents of my head, whether they be mundane or dreamy, serious or funny, earnest or clueless, original or not, in Greek or English.. oldest record first.]
part 2: from New Year's Eve 2010 to the present day (May 2010)
New year's resolution: Love more, smile more, whine less. Talk less when I should think more, think less when I should act more. Be more persistent, more proficient, more patient, more active. Smarter, faster, braver, stronger! Dream more, and act more to make the dreams come true! Let no one tamper with my temper...And most importantly: Make good on my resolutions from now on; amen!
It's not the passing of one year and the addition of yet another on our backs, it's our unfailing ability to dream and hope that we celebrate. It's more than enough a reason.
The one thing I hate more than being lied to is interference in my life. GET OUT OF MY FACE or you'll find ME in YOURS....
The world seems to be full of vulgar people. Why should I comply with their demands?
I shall not pretend to describe the feelings with which I gazed. Amazement was, of course, predominant. [Edgar Allan Poe]
Love will never bow to time because love is real and time is not. [Ram Dass]
To see Worlds in a grain of sand, And a Heaven in a wild flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, And Eternity in an hour. [William Blake]
So many things to work on, process, update... so little time.
Woke up early... way too early. something is poking and tugging around the edges of my perception, toying with my consciousness, although I can't quite put my finger on it.
I want to run, I want to hide, I want to tear down the walls that hold me inside, I want to reach out and touch the flame.. Where the streets have no name...
Sometimes I wish more than anything that I could read minds... although I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like what I'd hear most of the time.... but at least I could then satisfy my unfailing curiosity.
And all my days are trances, and all my nightly dreams are where thy dark eye glances and where thy footstep gleams...
Calming down exercises... breath in, out, in, out.............................................
I've grown tired of superficiality, all covered up and concealed thoroughly under pompous, serious-looking statements. Remove the mask of false wisdom, you're not fooling anybody. Especially me.
Clueless question of the day: is it still Sun-day, if it's cloudy outside?
There's nothing like being able to feel... in a world that promotes numbness, indifference, apathy, that's all that I'm proud of. All the accomplishments, all the accolades, are nothing in comparison to the sensation of being able to simply feel anything at all.
If your light is flickering and the room’s growing dim know this: the power to change is yours, the walls can’t keep you in. If your legs find the rhythm your thoughts can start to fly; when your feet are on the ground your mind can reach the sky. So let them theorize, sermonize, criticize, talking and talking and talking, all you have to do is –HIC!- keep walking….
Τέλος τα σαλιαρίσματα ρε! Όσοι σαλιάρισαν σήμερα και εξακολουθούν να σαλιαρίζουν μέχρι του χρόνου τέτοια μέρα κερδίζουν. Οι υπόλοιποι τζάμπα τα λεφτά για τα σοκολατάκια. Άντε και του χρόνου!!!!
I can't help it, I have a huge problem with self-righteous people. They make my foot itch (to kick)
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. [Henry David Thoreau]
What goes around comes around.... it's a given fact of life, as certain and unavoidable as death and taxes.
Good for you... I'm undecided. About everything.
I've got a lot to say to you.......................................................
Walking the thin line between good, better, excellent.... never quite satisfied with good enough, unable to settle for something merely sufficient. And the quest for knowledge never ends... I 'd never realized until now, it's the loneliest of paths.
To be or not to be? Concur or dissent? Convert or fight? Werewolf or Vampire? Mental Ray or Scanline renderer? Should I stay or should I go?... ah, the eternal questions of life....
Living the drama of the vampire who could only come out by day.
I'm very communicative today. I've called, faxed, e-mailed, im-ed, had a heart-to-heart... only thing missing is a message in a bottle.
Tick tock tick tock... life on a constant countdown.
Tuning the uproar and insanity of the world out... rocking withing myself. do not disturb, leave a message after the beep.
"Remember Me" is not a blockbuster. Either you can relate to it or you can't. It's that simple. It's not even a movie. It's an acidic concentration of things that once have, still do, or have the potential to tear you apart. Kids, don't try this at home. Try it at the theater instead.
Woke up from a dream I can't seem to be able to shake off. I 'm not sure I want to, either.
The process of evolution in life is inextricably related to mistake-derived knowledge. error is our friend, as long as we learn our lesson. well, I've learned mine. case closed.
fragmented geometries
So interesting to witness with your own eyes the process of lines being drawn...
Touch my tears with your lips, touch my world with your fingertips.....
Battling the shadow with the flame... or is it the other way around?
If you're gladly eating the b.s. one's feeding you, then you shouldn't whine and bitch that it stinks.
I'm a swimmer; I live my life a crawl at a time. Nothing else matters. Not work, not the mortgage, not my... "team" and all their bullshit. For those couple of hours or less... I'm free.
Just because we've been dealt a certain hand, it doesn't mean we can't choose to try rise above...
It really is worth being resented by a throng of petty, insignificant people, if it means you'll earn the respect of a handful of decent ones who you can eventually call FRIENDS.
You simply must endure the brunt of the storm... for after it has passed, the sun is sure to re-appear.
Do you follow your gut instincts against your better judgment, or your conscious judgment against your better instincts? how do you stay true to yourself, when even your own thoughts are in snarling disagreement?
"Dear" Germans: it's not us you mock when you photoshop Aphrodite. you mock the civilization you yourselves have also adopted. the joke is on YOU assholes, and you won't be able to escape your own punchline.
It's getting strange in here. sadly and oddly strange. eerie, like the quiet before the storm.
Reality is far more fictional than fiction could ever be.
It's so much better with the head under the surface of the water. with all that's been going on, not being able to hear or think is simply bliss.
Utilizing calming exercises... breathe in, breathe out......................
Η έκφραση "τα σπάσαμε" έχει αποκτήσει εντελώς διαφορετική έννοια τα τελευταία χρόνια στην Αθήνα (και όχι μόνο).
The day after yesterday...........
Stuck between the burning shade and the fading light...
We used to swim the same moonlight waters, Oceans away from the wakeful day....
I wish there was a way, any kind of way, to keep notes of the thoughts that run trough my mind as I swim and capture some of the images I see as I dream.
And suddenly, the status of the world shifts once again... for better, for worse, for whatever may unexpectedly come. always in motion... it's a hopeful, beautiful notion.